Amazing Facts About Kittens - Daal Debate

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Amazing Facts About Kittens

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Cats are very unique creatures that we’ve grown to love and enjoy. No doubt, kittens are cute, fuzzy and fascinating but they are also little bit weird. Don’t try to be fooled by their lovable expressions, they have some different habits. Kittens grow very quickly from the time they are born to the time they are ready to be adopted.

Here we have compiled a list of some amazing facts about kittens that you may not have known.

Kittens start to dream when they are about a week old 


Like humans, kittens also experience Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep. The REM stage is where most dreaming occurs. With the passage of time and growth of kittens the amount of dream or REM sleep decreases.

Kittens are born Deaf and Blind


Kittens cannot see or hear clearly until they are 2-3 weeks old. This makes them completely dependent on their mother for their tiny little lives. Kittens can see colors once they get their full vision, although they won’t see them as well as humans do.

Kittens Have a Strong Sense of Smell


 Kitten can’t see and hear clearly, because of this, they rely very much on a strong sense of smell.

Kittens Sleep Around 18 Hours per Day


Kittens save their energy by sleeping an average of 18 hours per day that gives them plenty of fuel for growing strong and quickly into the adult cats. The more interesting fact is that a certain growth hormone is only released during sleep, which is why they must rest to grow.

Young kittens can’t regulate their body temperatures


Kittens can’t regulate their body temperatures until they are around 3 weeks old. Until then, kittens depend on their mother and litter mates to keep them warm.

Kittens need to eat every two to three hours


Newborn kittens need to be fed every 2-3 hours.
Once they are around 2 weeks old they will feed only every 4-6 hours.
Kittens need their mother's milk until they are a minimum of 4 weeks old.
During two to three weeks after birth of kittens mother’s milk is all that is necessary for their health and survival.
After few weeks weaning procedures begin. During that period mother cat slowly but surely starts her little ones on other foods. Kittens start to eat solid food at 3 to 4 weeks old.

The Average Kitten Litter


The average size of litter of kitten is 1 to 9.
A feline litter usually consists of two to five kittens born after a gestation lasting between 64 and 67 days, with an average length of 66 days. But, according to Guinness World Records, the world’s largest litter of domestic cats was 19 kittens.
One female kitten has the ability to produce an average of about 12 kittens each year.

Kittens are born with Blue Eyes


Almost all the kittens are born with blue eyes but this is largely not an actual iris color eventually some of the kittens develop green, brown, or yellow eye color.
 The real eye color of kittens begins to show roughly a month after the eyes open, and takes about 9 months to fully develop

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