You're Not Ugly - You're Just Lazy - Daal Debate

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You're Not Ugly - You're Just Lazy

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Everyone cant accept themselves by saying, “I love myself the way I am, and I don’t care about other people’s opinions!” Even though many say that beauty is not the most important thing, lots of people get depressed when they don’t like what they see in the mirror. These people have been in this situation, and they are not going to be there again.
These people decided to change their appearance and the results were awesome.
Daal Debate is sharing these pictures to motivate you to get you out from the state of ugliness.


“I just didn’t like the way I looked, and men didn’t even notice me. So I decided to change myself. I wanted to look informal, flashy. I had tattoos. I dyed my hair red. I’ve tried everything. People started noticing me.
A short time ago, I realized that the most important thing is to care about your appearance properly, feel good, and be a confident and interesting person. I restored my natural hair color and went to the gym. Now people see an attractive girl in me because I started feeling better myself. And the most important thing is to stop chasing people’s love. You should find harmony with yourself.”

“I started reading all the time. I read a lot. This is how I started changing psychologically and emotionally. What about my appearance — I started losing hair very early. For most men, it’s a thing they worry about. But after a year of military service, I got used to being bald, and after I returned home, I started shaving my head and grew a beard. This is how I found the answer for me.”


“This is my boyfriend at the age of 16 and 21. It’s hard to tell that it’s the same person.”


                             “Now I am 25, I lost 120 lb, and I work out every day.”

                                                        “This is my progress.”


“The difference between these photos is 20 months. I lost weight, and now I’m not shy about the natural structure of my hair.”


“My weight was 330 lb when I finally decided to start losing weight. On my first day, I stopped eating bread and sugar and went to the gym. I also stopped drinking alcohol for 3 months (unfortunately, I continued to drink from time to time later). In the photo on the right, my weight is 220 lb. Now I keep myself at this mark, and I am very satisfied. But now I have a new goal — 180 lb. I’ve started my way to it! I wish you luck too.”


“The difference between these photos is 25 months. I had always been fat, so I decided that I could lose weight.”



                                 “I lost 100 lb, and I keep working on my body.”


 “15 months later I finally have a chin! Now I’m doing everything I can to maintain my weight.

                    “I restored what was destroyed by 20 years of McDonald’s and Coke.”

                       “I didn’t do anything special, but I’m not ugly anymore.”

                     Just 4 years, and this is what I’ve become (I’m on the right).


“So much has changed in 3 years! Before, I didn’t get out much. I was very shy. Now we live in a time when changing your appearance is very easy.”


“3 years between these photos. Some people don’t believe that it’s me.”


“I used to weigh 60
 lb, now I weigh 90, and I keep working on my body. I tried to restore my normal weight in hospitals many times, but it returned to the beginning every time. And then I decided that I really wanted to get better, so I started working on my health myself. I gained weight, and I was able to work the whole day. I was able to live on my own and finally became a ’real’ adult!”


“I didn’t use to be really fat. I had a hard time choosing the right hairstyle.”


“I was depressed because of the way I looked. I didn’t even want to live. But I decided that I was able to change everything, so I started losing weight. Now I run all the time wherever I am, and it really annoys my boyfriend. I feel great, and I’m enjoying my life!”

                                                 “Me when I was 19 and 21.”


“The difference between these 2 photos is 4 years. And I was even used to not enjoying what I looked like.”


“My parents got divorced, and I lived with my grandmother for a long time. I was surrounded by women. It was bad for me. I was bullied in school. And I was fat. After that, I moved, and I entered college. I was scared of being bullied again, so I tried to meet a lot of people, and I wanted to be very communicative. I made true friends, and they helped me to have a more active lifestyle. That’s how I managed to lose weight. Now I can communicate with any person.”


“It took me 2 years and 3 months to get in shape. It sounds like a lot of time, but it was well worth it.”


                                                “I lost 100 lb, and I feel great.”

“I have to admit, I couldn’t lose weight myself for a very, very long time. A really professional doctor helped me a lot.”

Which person amazed you the most? Tell us in the comment section below!
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